Diabetes Info

First of all, the absolutely positive news

Diabetes is a chronic disease, which unfortunately means you have it permanently, BUT: you can organise your lifestyle in such a way that you no longer have to take medication. You are also much more active and productive and you have a lot more energy!

Getting there is not necessarily trivial, but as I have managed to do it myself, you can certainly do it too! My Let's beat DIABETES! program with professional coaching services will provide you with qualified support.

Now a few important facts about diabetes

There are two main types of diabetes. Type 1, in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin, and type 2, which is usually lifestyle-related. Approximately 95% of all diabetes cases are type 2, the lifestyle-related disease. The main cause of type 2 diabetes is poor diet.

Why is DIABETES so dangerous?

Diabetes is often referred to as "the silent killer" because the disease can go unnoticed for a long time. Sufferers have no pain and this means that many people may not even realise they have diabetes and therefore do not receive treatment. Symptoms only become apparent when the disease has already progressed. The problem is that in such a case, sugar is stored in the body or organs, which can lead to massive problems such as nerve damage, kidney problems or cardiovascular problems.

What can or should you do?

If you have the opportunity, you should have your blood checked by your GP once a year. I myself was simply lucky enough to have been in a relationship with a nurse who gave me this advice. A few years later, I received an almost panicked call from my GP...

As 12-year-olds in our country are now already suffering from type 2 diabetes, I launched the "Let's beat DIABETES!" program.